Advanced Energies Africa’s solutions
for solar PV parks for energy wheeling
Advanced Energies Africa’s solutions for solar PV parks for energy wheeling
Solar PV parks, also referred to as solar farms, are big arrays of solar panels that supply electricity to the grid. These specialised systems are different in various ways from rooftop solar systems, and even commercial solar power systems.
Advanced Energies Africa are involved
in solar PV parks in two ways:
Advanced Energies Africa are involved in solar PV parks in two ways:

As a contractor to plan, develop and install such facilities

As a shareholder in such facilities to supply clients with electricity at locations across the country by way of energy wheeling

What is energy wheeling?
Energy wheeling is the process of transmitting privately-generated renewable energy across the national grid from where the generating resources are located, to clients in other locations. It involves financial transactions and virtual trading of power in which the energy supply from the energy generator, is balanced with the consumption by the end user.
Energy wheeling offers the following benefits:

Immediate access to affordable renewable energy when a client’s premises or business operation do not allow for the installation of a dedicated solar PV system.

No capital investment required.

Up to 50% reduction in electricity costs.

Supporting and contributing towards sustainability in energy supply without having to invest in own solar energy solutions.

Uninterrupted power supply is possible when wheeled power is combined with battery energy storage systems.
Want to know more about energy wheeling?