Advanced Energies Africa’s solutions
for the mining sector
Advanced Energies Africa’s solutions for the mining sector
The mining industry, in general, already owns their own private distribution networks. Their requirements for solar PV and supplementary energy solutions, therefore, revolve mainly around the following:

Maintenance and expanding of existing distribution networks

To save on electricity costs by generating and storing their own renewable energy

To save on electricity costs via peak load shifting, using battery energy storage to buy and store electricity during off-peak periods with lower electricity tariffs, and to use it when required during peak periods with higher electricity tariffs (Please see the time-of-use (*Please see the TOU diagram further below.)

As a centralised backup solution to eliminate the effect of loadshedding and power outages
Different systems, often of a modular nature to allow for future expansion, are available to suit clients’ specific requirements:
- AC networks
- Micro grids
- Generators
- Grid-tied battery energy storage systems to enable peak load shifting, or to supply power during loadshedding and outages
- Grid-tied solar PV systems to supplement electricity supply received via the grid
- Grid-tied solar PV systems with battery energy storage systems
- Off-grid solar PV systems with battery storage systems
- Operations and maintenance contracts, based on service level agreements
*Time-of-use (TOU) diagram
Time-of-use (TOU) pricing refers to electricity tariffs that apply per electricity demand season (Low Demand Season and High Demand Season), and per time slot during the day within each season (Peak, Standard and Off-peak). Electricity used during peak slots when energy demand is the highest, is charged at a higher tariff than electricity used during standard slots, with off-peak slots – when electricity demand is at its lowest – being the cheapest of the three.
The TOU diagram below shows Eskom’s peak, standard and off-peak slots per hour of the day, and per low and high demand season. (Source: – page 7)

The service I received from Advanced Energies Africa was, without a doubt, next level, and their proactive communication to keep me up to date while doing the work, exceptional. Also outstanding is their attention to detail and the neatness of the installation. Their system is extremely reliable and 100% functional.
Casper de Bruin (Ceres)
WE’RE HERE TO ANSWER ALL YOUR QUESTIONS ABOUT getting solar for your business.